Sunday, October 23, 2011


A couple of months ago, we began going to a new church. We knew that we wanted to find a new church in our area and came across a covenant church we really liked. We were embraced right away. Church has always been tough for us because of our son. It is so hard to take him to any type of structure place because he doesn't follow rules like a regular kid. Even playgrounds are tough because other kids can tell he is different and no one ever wants to play with him unless it's making fun of him or asking me what is wrong with him. We always thought church would be the once place that we would always be accepted no matter what. For a little while I think I was bitter that churches didn't take Christian for who he was or have the right programming for him. Now, 5 years later, I have a different viewpoint on it. It would be near impossible at this time for every place to have some program for special needs children. Most places don't have a program or plan in place unless they are faced with a situation where they need to have a plan. People seem afraid to take a chance. With or with out Autism, my son deserves everything that a regular kid has. He needs church and friends just like everyone else. The children's minister at our church had never been faced with finding a 1:1 helper before but has accepted our son as apart of the Church. This morning we were blessed by having 4 people volunteer to rotate on Sundays so that my husband and I can enjoy church together. How cool is that.

If you have a special needs child and want he or she to get involved in something, don't be afraid just ask. We can choose to be spectators or participants in life. We sit back and watch it go by or we can live it. There is someone that knows the answers to your questions whether you want to get involved in church, sports or other activities. I have spent many moments in my life not doing something because I figured it couldn't happen or it wouldn't work out. I find when I take a chance even if I fail, I at least know I tried.

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